Sunday 8 June 2014

Lime Tree Tea Rooms, Burwash

I have occasion to drive with reasonable regularity on a Tuesday through the charming Sussex wealden village of  Burwash, and have noticed, when passing, the promising 'Lime Tree Tea Rooms'.  It is closed on a Tuesday, but I made a mental note to seek an opportunity for a visit,  and a cunning plan formed in my mind........  This weekend is husband's birthday and he is an ardent admirer of the works of Rudyard Kipling - the strain to memorise a recitation of his poem 'If...' frequently greets the ears in our abode. ( I won't record here my personal opinions of Imperialistic jingoism that gush forth when pushed to the parameters of my sensibility.)  However, Kipling's residence was a property called 'Bateman's', now in the hands of the National Trust, which lies just outside the village of Burwash.  Hence my wifely suggestion that a lovely birthday visit could be made to the property and that afternoon tea could then be taken at the Lime Tree Tea Rooms!  Happily he fell for it hook, line and sinker and so the proverbial two birds were killed!

It was a beautiful hot afternoon and we gratefully entered the cool interior of the tea rooms, gently decorated with soothing green walls and country pine furniture.  We were the only visitors, but I gather that a number of people had been in for morning coffee and light lunches earlier.  Classic FM played serenely in the background and we selected a table with a good view of the cake stand.  The waiter greeted us on entry and then allowed us sufficient time to peruse the menu.  

The cake counter was most impressive. Varieties on offer were: carrot, gluten free Victoria sponge, apple & blackcurrant crumble cake, passion fruit & white chocolate cake, lemon drizzle, meringue, chocolate & cherry cake, butterscotch cake, raspberry & Eton mess cake, lemon & blueberry cake, brandy biscuit slice and toffee, pecan & cranberry cake.  Such fantastic combinations of flavours - I was really spoilt for choice!  I settled on a Burwash Tea which comprised a buttered toasted teacake and a slice of cake.  Hubby chose his favourite cream tea styled as Lime Tree Cream Tea.  We shared a pot of Assam tea - speciality teas included Earl Grey, Lady Grey, Darjeeling, Lapsang Souchong, Red Bush, Peppermint, Lemon & Ginger.  

Other interesting variations on the menu were a Rambler's Tea which comprised a cheese scone with chutney and a slice of cake; and 'Children's Favourite Sandwiches' - marmite, chocolate spread, peanut butter and strawberry jam.

There were some pieces of artwork for sale, together with a card stand; but husband much enjoyed the stack of books for browsing and I lost him for quite some time in 'One hundred After-Dinner Speeches'.  

Our order arrived and I was particularly pleased that the napkin matched the plum-coloured Gerbera on the table!  We were asked whether we preferred milk or lemon for the tea, which was plentiful and enormously refreshing after the homage to Kipling.  Husband reported that his scones (fruit at his request) were warm and light, with homemade strawberry jam and a pot of clotted cream.  My teacake was perfection - oozing with melted butter, and my slice of cake also very satisfying.  I had chosen the raspberry & Eton mess cake - it was a light sponge cake with a filling of raspberry jam and buttercream, and topped by a buttercream icing sprinkled with meringue and raspberries.  It was quite delightful and not overly sweet as I feared it might be.  I did so wish to try the passion fruit & white chocolate and the apple & blackcurrant crumble cake, but alas, my appetite could not possibly stretch that far!

The toilet facilities are located in a separate old building at the back of the property, but they are spotlessly clean with fresh flowers and hand lotion.

And so concluded another delightful teatime adventure.  The Lime Tree Tea Rooms are quite a revelation and so birthday boy and devoted wife both returned home with smiles of satisfaction from the birthday outing. Husband refrained from any recitations on the journey back, and wife refrained from making any connections between Mr Kipling and cakes.  Job done!